Friday, August 31, 2012
Zombie Movie Review - Dawn of the Dead
It's been a while since I posted a movie review and as this is a follow-up to my first one... this movie is a follow-up to Night of the Living Dead. While it is not technically the sequel, it is another George A. Romero masterpiece. This is the 1978 classic that I'm referring to, not the 2004 remake directed by Zack Snyder. We'll get to that one later.
So... what did we learn?
So... what did we learn?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Weapons Wednesday...SBD..
Ok, grow up I'm not talking gas here. I'm talking Silent But Deadly...keeping you alive when you need to be dead quiet. If you are reading this, then chances are you've watched Walking Dead. What weapon does Daryl Dixon carry all the time, that never fails him? That's right...a crossbow.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Coleman Camp Stove
So this weekend was amazing, camping in Jim Thorpe...what made it so great? The scenery, the relaxation and one thing we couldn't have done without....a Coleman Camp Stove. What does this have to do with Zombies you may ask???? When you are living out of your car, constantly on the you only want to eat cold foods and/or packaged snacks? Thats a big 10-No from me.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Weapons Wednesday!!!
KrisK is back this week, he is discussing survival rifles....ENJOY!!
-What's up TKZ' Ers of the world, Welcome back to another Weapon Wednesday. I'm KrisK and I'll be your host. Today we're talking about survival rifles. The Ruger 10/22 Breakdown Rifle, the Henry Arms US Survival AR-7 Rifle, and the Springfield M6 Scout Survival Rifle.
You NEED a veterinarian on your team
A good friend of mine (and soon to be contributor) recently brought to my attention this article from the American Veterinary Medical Association website. They list five reasons why you want a veterinarian on your team in a zombie apocalypse. While they do list five very good reasons for this, the thing that I find most interesting is that this is the second legitimate organization to jump on the zombie bandwagon. (at least in the sense that we brought attention to in the past few days.) Dan wrote a post the other day about the CDC telling people how to prep for a zombie apocalypse and now the AVMA! We aren't talking about a group of delusional mechanical designers... or bored teenagers who have a zombie fetish. We ARE talking about a top-level government health agency and the major medical association.
Do they know something that we don't?
Do they know something that we don't?
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
One to Block...One to Attack!
Working as a team may be the best way to take 'Them' down. Each person will have the others back and it is a great way to build a friendship (haha). In a perfect world, your team will be one guy with a Riot Shield and side arm and one guy with another type of offensive weapon, whether it is a gun or more physical chopping style tool; working in unison these two can be a force to be reckoned with. Check out the Paulson Heavy BS Riot Shield...
Monday, August 20, 2012
CDC Zombie Ad Campaign
This was too funny/interesting not to share...The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) has a campaign running based around emergency awareness. It is using the Zombie Apocalypse as the main attention grabber; pretty dang smart. The campaign isn't exactly saying that it can/will happen but it is acknowledging that if you are ready for a Zombie Apocalypse then you are ready for just about anything...think this is true, or are they just realizing that it can actually happen???? (the plot thickens). You can sign up for shirts, download a free book, and download free posters on their blog and get on their mailing list for updates via Email. Search around a bit, pretty interesting stuff. TKZ_out. (Photo from CDC website).
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Monster Mania!!!
We had a blast today in Cherry Hill at Monster Mania aka Monster Con. Quite a few people attended and we passed out a ton of free bracelets w/ cards. Hopefully those of you that are reading this blog for the first time will become regular readers and participators.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Batteries Not Required...
Batteries this and plug in that...majority of what we use requires a power source of some kind to keep it operational as well as convenient. When it comes to light, many of us just flick a switch or click on a button and walah...light! (is that how you spell walah?) What do you do when there is no power? Batteries only last so long unless you can recharge them ( panels...cough). But, for thousands of years candles, in some shape or form, have been a source for illumination.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Monster Mania Con!
Monster-Mania Con is coming to a town near you... and more importantly, it's coming to a town near us! The con will be at the Crown Plaza in Cherry Hill this weekend August 17-19th. We will also be there handing out some swag. So come on out and say hello.
Check out the Monster Mania Con site.
Check out the Monster Mania Con site.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
To Stay or To Go? That is the question...
When it all comes to a stop, will you move around? Will you set up shelter in one place? Will you look for other survivors? Will you be that random guy/girl walking alone in the shadows? None of us know these answers, we may find out if/when 'It' actually happens. Until then, we can plan, research, investigate, and think about what the future may hold.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
ZMR - Zombieland
After watching Zombieland for a second time and taking a few notes I have concluded...this is a damn good movie. Its funny, there are Zombies, cool guns...and an Escalade with a Zombie plow on it...nuff said. What did we learn from this film...a few things to use and a few to avoid.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Leatherman Skeletool

I've personally had one for a little over 5 years and its never left my pocket. The one time the bit holder spring stopped working I called up Leatherman, sent them my old one, and they sent me a new one. Their 25 year warranty is amazing. So buy one today carry for the good times and carry it for the bad...I'm sure the blade could slice off a few Zombie ears for your trophy necklace (yes, that was a Walking Dead reference. TKZ_out.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse CAN Happen. I was searching the internet for some good zombie news and I stumbled upon the awesome article. I realize that I'm referencing, but the info is pretty interesting... and eye-opening!
Check it out:
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Practical Things to Know...
It has been three days since you have eaten the last can of mystery meat you had in that bug out bag of yours. You have actually resorted to chewing on twigs and grass in an attempt to quiet those hunger noises in your belly. You could try to forage for food but it's fall and anything you think you should eat has died off anyway. What do you do? Hunt! That sounds like a good idea but you don't have a gun or a bow. Not to mention it would be hard to take a deer down with that ripped up backpack /shield you've been carrying around with you. There are plenty of rabbits and squirrel around and you even have seen some birds pecking at the ground looking for their own food. Question is how do you catch them?
Practical Thing to Know #2 Hunting with a Throwing Stick
Weapons Wednesday - SOG Tactical Tomahawk
Good Evening all! Krisk is back to give us some info on his new purchase which we thought would be perfect for a Weapons Wednesday segment...Enjoy!
-What's up world? This is KrisK back with another installment of Weapon Wednesday. This week i'm talking about the newest item I've added to my Bug-Out bag. The SOG Tactical Tomahawk. This particular tomahawk is SOGs take on the Vietnam era tomahawk that some soldiers carried in to battle with them and some still carry this exact tomahawk in to battle today. I think this Tomahawk is a great tool, not just for everyday survival activities (i.e. chopping wood for fire, or shelter, clearing a camp site), but also for self defense and whatever else you can think to use a tomahawk for. I've heard of soldiers using the spike end of this thing to puncture and pry open car trucks so that they can search the contents. It's wicked...
Weapons Wednesday: Hornady ZOMBIE Max
Special ammo made just for killing Zombies?! Yes please! Hornady Zombie Max is available in a decent variety of sizes including 9MM, .40, .45, .223, 7.62, 30-30, .308, and 12 GA 00 Buckshot rounds. Are these truly different from other variations of ammo? Not really except for the bad a$$ green tips, but its a damn good marketing idea. So, stock up today and be never know if you will truly need ZOMBIE MAX. TKZ_out.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Zombie Movie Review - Lessons Learned, Phase One
I recently decided that I wanted to do movie reviews for the blog, but not your typical movie review. Instead of doing the obvious "Must see", "Great special effects", "Feel good coming of age... blah blah" review... I wanted to pick the movie apart and find out what we can learn from it. With that in mind, I created a basic outline for my zombie movie reviews. What are the characteristics of the zombies? How do they kill them? Did the movie give us any good survival tips. And most importantly, how did the zombie outbreak start and is it plausible? I decided to start this journey with George A. Romero's 1968 cult classic "Night of the Living Dead". While this isn't the first zombie movie, it is the one that set the standard for modern zombie movies.
So... what did we learn?
So... what did we learn?
To sleep or not to sleep...?
When you are on the move, constantly evading The Dead Breathians where do you sleep? Do you set up a tent...every single night? Do you sleep on the cold wet ground? Or high up in a tree? None of these sound interesting or very safe. A Hammock comes to mind when thinking of a great way to catch some Z's due to its ability to be set up in a variety of situations.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Hide and go BANG...
When thinking of the Walking Dead guys...and girls, we constantly think of selfish. It seems we would constantly be in defense mode trying to hide and hole up somewhere 'safe'. What if we swapped our play? Switched the whole game around and took the offense? What if the Zombies were afraid of Humans? (yes I know, that means their brains would work but go with me on this). Our tactics would need to be calculated and intelligent. Sniping seems to become a golden opportunity due to sound bouncing off of its landscape. You may be in an urban environment or the wilderness, a sniper blends with his surroundings, never moving, barely breathing...I introduce you to the Ghillie suit.
Ok, I know we just did a post about new merchandise, but this is too exciting not to post. Our first big order of silicone bracelets came in today. Wait for it.....wait for it....they look freakin' sweet. These will cost $1.45 each shipped, and for the first 10 orders you'll get another one free. Paypal is accepted...and thats all thats accepted. This money will go towards other merchandising and hopefully we can start testing some gear.
We also put in our first order of shirts today, so true pictures will be up soon. Thanks to our loyal readers and come on!!! represent and show your support for TKZ.COM... Contact us at for info/questions. TKZ_out.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Kobalt 150 Lumen Tactical Flashlight
When the lights go off in a power outage what do you do?...Grab a flashlight. When you're in a tent in a field or sleeping in a tree and you hear some undead walking around...what do you grab? Weapon should be your answer, but you also need LIGHT! I have a strong feeling we will be featuring dozens of various flashlights, head lamps and lanterns throughout the 50 or so years this blog will be around, but tonight I want to talk about one I own and use all the time; the Kobalt 150 Lumen Compact Flashlight .
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
SWAG for sale!
People have been asking for it, so here it is.
Official TKZ merchandise! WHAT?! You heard me.
We now have shirts and mugs for sale. (more items will be added in the coming weeks)
Show the world that you're ready, by sporting your TKZ swag and help support the cause.
People have been asking for it, so here it is.
Official TKZ merchandise! WHAT?! You heard me.
We now have shirts and mugs for sale. (more items will be added in the coming weeks)
Show the world that you're ready, by sporting your TKZ swag and help support the cause.
Weapons Wednesday Post #2!
Good Morning! Our second installment to Weapons Wednesday is based on Optics for the AR15...Thanks again KrisK for a great post....I'm starting to get gun envy...
-What's up TKZ, welcome back to another Weapons Wednesday. This is KrisK back again and if you missed it last week, I've been talking AR-15's. This week I'd like to talk about optics. Three to be exact. The Aimpoint Micro, EOTech XPS2 Tactical, and the Vortex Sparc. Lets be honest, open sights are good. They're reliable and fairly easy to get on target. The optics I'm going to talk about today though I think, can help give you greater accuracy while allowing you to get on target quicker. There's one main reason why I like these red dot systems. With a conventional open sight, you have to close one eye and look down the barrel to acquire a sight picture of your target. With a red dot, you don't. You simple shoulder your rifle and look down the barrel with both eyes open. This allows for quicker rounds on target, and quicker elimination of the threat. Alright, lets dive in.
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