Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monster Mania!!!

    We had a blast today in Cherry Hill at Monster Mania aka Monster Con.  Quite a few people attended and we passed out a ton of free bracelets w/ cards.  Hopefully those of you that are reading this blog for the first time will become regular readers and participators.

    A big shout out to some cool people we either met briefly or had full conversations with... CJ Draden (awesome artist), IH8U clothing (cool clothing/accesories), Fotoflex (green screen zombie photography), Undead Warehouse (sick zombie clothes and accessories), True Jersey (cool clothing/accessories), Dark Willy's (cool accessories and random goods), Frank Frazetta's Son (father did amazing graphic sketches/renderings) and last but not least Devarez Films (the FIRST real zombie TV show, more to come on these guys later with one of Georges ZMR's).  If we missed you, I AM SORRY, hit me up and I'll make sure we add you to the list.  Now...on to some crappy cell phone pictures...

Na Na Na Na Na Batmobile!!!!

Zombie make up artists...pretty cool.

Some cool framed dead stuff...also kind of creepy. 

Nemesis from Umbrella Corp (sorry for the crappy shot, was a cool costume).

Norman Reedus (he's smaller than I thought he would be). 

Self explanatory.

Jason Killing the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghost Busters.

Undead Warehouse, impressive stuff.


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