Saturday, August 11, 2012

ZMR - Zombieland

  After watching Zombieland for a second time and taking a few notes I have concluded...this is a damn good movie.  Its funny, there are Zombies, cool guns...and an Escalade with a Zombie plow on it...nuff said.  What did we learn from this film...a few things to use and a few to avoid.

    My review of the film will not be as in depth as Georges recent review due to his love for cinema, but I'll do my best....
   First things first, the main character, Columbus,  has established a set of rules that have kept him alive (damn smart, if you can stick to them).  They are as follows per the film...

#1- Cardio
#2 - Double Tap
#3 - Beware of Bathrooms
#4 - Seatbelts
#7 - Travel light
#17 - Don't be a Hero
#18 - Limber Up
#22 - When in doubt, know your way out
#31 - Check Back Seat
#32 - Enjoy the little things

   Now obviously you've noticed that this is not a complete list, they never do the whole list in the movie, but it is available here...Wikipedia link.  These rules obviously help Columbus out in the film, we should all use some of these rules to benefit our own survival; with some modifications of course depending on your environment.

   Second major thing I personally noticed is that Columbus carried a side-by-side shotgun, when used along with his 'Double Tap' rule it is enough to kill one Zombie.  In my opinion this is RISKY, at least 5 rounds need to be usable so you can take down three dead fellas, reload and finish off the last one.

   Third thing was that they got their truck stolen by a gorgeous young lady and her sister...who were not armed...yikes.  So, BE SMART and remain a human being, if someone needs them, but do it smart and take your time.  Rushing into random back doors where you just killed a few very large dead clerks isn't smart.

   Last thing (from me, chime in in the comments section with your opinions) would have to be...traveling to an amusement park?  Come on...seriously?  Great for a movie yes, smart in the real world...nope.  My thoughts would be to find a place as far from civilization as possible with high ground being a key to a strong hold.  A good source of freshwater, game, and habitat would also be sought for.

   All in all - great film, good rules and entertaining.  Rent it or buy it.  You won't regret it.  TKZ_out.

1 comment:

  1. This movie was my zombie101, love this movie and everything it represents! Nut up or shut up!
