Wednesday, August 22, 2012

You NEED a veterinarian on your team

A good friend of mine (and soon to be contributor) recently brought to my attention this article from the American Veterinary Medical Association website.  They list five reasons why you want a veterinarian on your team in a zombie apocalypse.  While they do list five very good reasons for this, the thing that I find most interesting is that this is the second legitimate organization to jump on the zombie bandwagon.  (at least in the sense that we brought attention to in the past few days.)  Dan wrote a post the other day about the CDC telling people how to prep for a zombie apocalypse and now the AVMA!  We aren't talking about a group of delusional mechanical designers... or bored teenagers who have a zombie fetish.  We ARE talking about a top-level government health agency and the major medical association.

Do they know something that we don't?

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