Friday, August 3, 2012

Hide and go BANG...

    When thinking of the Walking Dead guys...and girls, we constantly think of selfish. It seems we would constantly be in defense mode trying to hide and hole up somewhere 'safe'.  What if we swapped our play?  Switched the whole game around and took the offense?  What if the Zombies were afraid of Humans? (yes I know, that means their brains would work but go with me on this).  Our tactics would need to be calculated and intelligent.  Sniping seems to become a golden opportunity due to sound bouncing off of its landscape.  You may be in an urban environment or the wilderness, a sniper blends with his surroundings, never moving, barely breathing...I introduce you to the Ghillie suit.

    I'm sure many of you have seen these in movies and in games, they almost look like a child put it together, just a shaggy suit.  Then in seconds your eyes play tricks on you and the guy is gone, blending with his/her environment.
    The kit shown is very affordable at around $65 for the whole synthetic suit.  They are available in various colors and configurations, but The Sportsmans Guide has a few to pick from to suit many conditions.
   Game changer?  I think so...TKZ_out