Friday, July 27, 2012

Creator...Destroyer, you decide.

      I love multi tools.  They may not be excellent at one thing, but they are damn good at MULTIPLE things.  So when you are limited to what you can carry do you grab 4 or 5 tools/weapons...or one that does the same jobs damn near close as well?  Again, this is all subject to personal opinion...but check out this bad boy, the Stanley Fubar.

     Picture yourself working diligently nailing together your new home (ok its a crappy pile of old 2x4's and some plywood wall sheathing with a camo tarp roof) and you hear something behind turn and it's a creepy dead guy coming for lunch, you bury the end of the Fubar in its cranium and watch it fall to the ground.  Well, just another day in End Town, wipe off the blood and get back to hammering together your abode. (Ok, there's a dozen things wrong with this scenario but you get my drift).
     Stanley makes pretty decent tools, and you can't go wrong with this guy; one piece forged steel with a nice rubberized grip.  Super affordable and available at just about any hardware store, it is a must have for the tool chest/apocalypse box.  Sweet dreams all.

1 comment:

  1. In terms of everyday tools, my appreciation of multiple tools has diminIshed to a near microscopic level. However, this tool has always been held high on my list of wants as I have demolished an entire house before, and as much fun it is to swing a 10lb sledge, this tool does all the right things in one easy to yield package. Throw zombie mutilation into the mix and this just might be the perfect non powered apocalypse hand tool
