Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Practical Things to Know.....

With the world plummeting into chaos, you find yourself lucky enough to have a working car and maybe even a generator. The problem is you are very low on gas and no where near a working gas station. Not to mention you're in NJ , where it's against the law for you to pump your own gas, so this means all the gas stations are crawling with zombie attendees anyway. So, they should be avoided unless you have no other options. You do notice abandoned cars everywhere you go, but how could you get gas out for you to use?

Practical Things to Know: HOW TO SIPHON GAS FROM CARS
(I recommend doing this as a two man operation...it's always good to have someone watching your back)
First, you're going to need some supplies. Preferably you want a container with a lid to store the gas. The flammable part of gas is not the liquid, but the fumes. So, having an open container of gas could prove to be be very dangerous. Next, you are going to need some flexible tubing. If you can find clear tube that would be best. With clear tube you can see the gas actually coming out. This will help you to not swallow any gas. Swallowing enough gas will shut your kidneys down and that would be NO BUENO. You'll have enough issues staying alive as it is, so lets try not to swallow any gas. This tube that you are going to use should be a minimum of about 1" dia. length's will very depending on the vehicle you are siphoning gas from. So it may be good to have a few pieces of tube at different lengths available.

Once you pop open the cars gas cap, feed the tube into the opening until you reach the gas. A good way to know that you have reached the gas is to blow air into the tube and if you hear bubbles in the tank you know you have reached pay dirt. Next step is to suck on the end of the tube, the key to creating enough suction to pull the gas out is not allowing air bubbles to form in the tube. If you do see air bubbles stop sucking and allow the gas to return to the tank and start again. Once you archive good suction, crimp the end of the tube as to not allow the gas to spill. Then place the end into ur container and release the crimp. Once the tank is empty move on to the next car. With a little practice you should be able to empty a car in no time at all.

The goal here is to stay alive one more day and having a supply of gas could be one of those things that aids in doing that. Good luck........ you're going to need it.

1 comment:

  1. remember to keep the can you are putting the gas into lower than the one you are siphoning from
