Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Safe, clean drinking water.

If you find yourself in a situation (specifically a zombie apocalypse) where the drinking water is questionable, you have several options when it comes to making your water safe and clean.  There are water filtration systems, purification tablets, UV lights and the old stand-by... boiling it.  All of these options work and all have there place.  So here's a quick primer on making water safe to drink.

1. BOIL METHOD: The simplest most basic way to make your water safe is to boil it. While this method will not clean the water it will kill most bacteria, viruses, and protozoans.  If your water has sediment or is cloudy (ie. from a stream or lake), you can try to filter the sediment through cheese-cloth or a coffee filter first.  Otherwise, allow the sediment to settle to the bottom of your container first and pour the clear water off of the top.  Once you are ready to purify it, bring your water to a full rolling boil and let it boil for 1-2 minutes.  Let it cool and enjoy.

This method is free and effective... if you have fire!

2. PURIFICATION TABLETS: This is also an old method of purifying water.  People have been using iodine tablets to treat their water for a long time, and has long been a military standard because of its effectiveness and more so, its portability. Today, iodine is still used but newer, safer alternatives like chlorine dioxide are quite popular.  Manufacturers of chlorine dioxide tablets claim that it will not leave an after-taste like iodine tablets can.  Much like the boil method, this will not remove sediment but will make the water safe.  It works by simply adding the tablets to your water and waiting about 30 minutes for the chemicals to work.

This method is simple, effective and inexpensive, but are best used on a short-term basis due to consumption of the chemical ingredients.

3. WATER FILTRATION SYSTEMS:  There are so many options out there for filtration systems, but I'm referring to the portable "camping/backpacking" type.  These systems are very popular (and my personal favorite) because they work.  Not only do they disinfect the water but they are the only option that cleans the water.  Simply put the intake hose in the dirty water... put the output hose in your clean container and pump.  The water is sent through a charcoal & paper filter (much like your home filtration system uses) and out comes clear, safe water.  These filters are easily replaceable, and most can be cleaned in the field and reused over and over.  I have been using my PUR Hiker Pro (now called Katadyn Hiker Pro) for over 20 years.  It still works, they still make them and I can still get filters for it.

This method can cost upwards of $100 or more, but it's simple to use, very effective and provides safe water immediately.  It's the only option that will remove sediment. (though some systems will require a pre-filter)

4. UV LIGHT: Sure, the sun can purify water... but that can take a while.  So to speed up the process you can use something called a Steri-Pen.  This is a clever little device that looks like a mini light-saber.  Place the light wand in your water, press the button to activate the UV light and stir.  In about 1 minute, your water is safe to drink.  You've gotta love technology!  Though, you might be thinking... this doesn't filter out sediment or what about batteries?  Well, Steri-Pen has a kit for every situation.  They have a kit with a pre-filter for dirty water.  They even have a kit with a solar powered charger! You know how I love my solar powered gadgets. 

This method can cost over $100, but it works and it's so simple... and it solar powered!  Think about it... it's UV light, powered by UV light!

Regardless of how you choose to make your water safe, you won't have a choice but to do so.  Learn your options and be prepared.

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