Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Aid or not to Aid...

     Blood...we all have seen it; from a tiny paper cut to unfortunate catastrophic events its hard to miss.  So,  if there comes a time where you are hurt, you NEED to do something about it.  Infection is no joke when hospitals are smoking ruins and doctors are extremely difficult to find (hint hint - make sure you have one in your group).
     Some type of First Aid Kit is required and to be honest, I'd rather have more than I need than not enough.  In steps Adventure Medical Kits for Sportsman, designed for all types of field scenarios including gunshots, stab wounds, arrow wounds, and splinter removal (hey, they hurt too).
 They have varying kit sizes but the Hunter seems to have enough to last for a bit of time until you find another kit or stumble upon a hospital.  Its small size allows it to be held in any day pack or shoved in your travel bag.
     In a later post we'll start getting into First Aid specifics but until then this will do.  _TKZ signing out.

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