Friday, July 20, 2012

Seeds for One Acre...

     As some of your surviving party are fending off the undead, others are needed to plan for the future of your group.  If you decide to stay on the move then this next product doesn't really help you out unless you plan to act as Nomads and change locations per season.   On the other hand if you find a camp to start Town (Enter Name Here) then check this out.  The Survival Seed Vault is here to save the day when it comes to starting your healthy, well balanced diets.
Containing seeds such as beans, carrots, lettuce, watermelon and many more, this kit is sure to please anyone in your party.  It comes in a metal case w/ the seeds in zip-lock bags to keep the from mixing with other seeds.

     As this is my first year growing my own vegetables I know how rewarding it can be to eat what you have had a hand in caring for; but, I did it for fun.  One day will come where we need to do it to survive, this kit is a great way to start.

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