Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1098 PAGE VISITS!!!!

    Holy crap you readers are amazing!  In twelve, yes only 12, days we have had 1098 page views, we are stoked that so many people are reading this blog and hopefully finding the information useful (or at the least entertaining).
    We have a few exciting things coming up including more posts (obviously)...tomorrow is Weapons Wednesday (Woot!) and we are adding a link to shirts, silicone bracelets, stickers, and various other goodies so you can wear TKZ products with pride.  We'll be doing some free give aways soon as well, so stay tuned and keep on reading.  Also, COMMENT! We want to hear from you...yes you..staring at this screen; or shoot us an email, teamkillzombies@gmail.com . (picture by Alex Ruiz)


  1. Hey guys thought this might interest you.....The ultimate gun for zombie slaying!!!! Go Here or post the video.....pretty cool!


  2. HOLY CRAP....thing looks crazy. Thanks for sharing!
